عداد و تايمر من امكو 24 فولت دي سي
6 digits Process (PV) and 6 digits Set (SV) Value Display
Operation with 2 Set Value
Reset , Pause and ChA-ChB Counting Inputs
- Configurable Counter / “Totalizer Counter”, Batch Counter , Timer, Chronometer , Frequencymeter and Tachometer Functions
Programmable Time Bases for Timer and Chronometer (Second , Minute , Hour )
Operation with Automatic and Manual Reset
Output Module System
NPN/PNP Type Operation -
INC , DEC , INC / INC , INC / DEC , UP / DOWN , x1 / x2 / x4 Counting with Phase Shifting Property in Counter Function
Multiplication Coefficient and Decimal Point Position
Different Alarm Alternatives in Frequencymeter and Cycle Measuring Functions -
Absolute or Offset Operation in Counter Function - RS-232 (standard) or RS-485 (op
tional) Serial Communication with Modbus ASCII or RTU Protocol